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4 Resources You Need When Buying a Car on Bad Credit

There are ways to prepare before you walk into a dealership. The more you know, the more confident you will feel that you are getting a good deal. This is true even when you have bad credit and want to apply for a car loan. When car dealers in Florida, such as the dealers that work at, see your preparation they will help you find a great deal.

  1. Credit Score

Know your credit score from more than one source. Different sources can give different scores. The lender will consider your scores before telling you your options. You may think that because mistakes and circumstances in your past have dropped your credit score that you cannot find the deal you are looking for. As long as you prepare, you will get a great deal.

  1. Budget

Keep track of how much you spend each month. This will give you an idea of what you can put toward car payments after your auto loan has been approved. It is best to practice making loans before you begin paying off a car. Open a second savings account and pay a reasonable fee into that account each month. If you feel you can continue this practice for a year or longer, you can be confident that you are ready to purchase a car.

  1. Co-Signer

If you feel that you have bad credit hurting your chances of being approved for an auto loan, try finding a friend or family member to co-sign the loan with you. A co-signer is a great resource to help you get approved when you have bad credit. Run over to your Florida friend across the street and ask them to help you out. As long as you make your payments on time and are responsible with you money, a co-signer will be happy to help you out.

  1. Shop Around

If you don’t feel good about the first Florida dealership you talk to, don’t be afraid to leave and speak to someone else. At, we can give you a decision in just 60 seconds.  No time is wasted if you want a night’s sleep before committing to a decision.

Don’t let your bad credit score make you a reactive presence at Florida dealerships. Come prepared with a proactive approach. Contact Car Loan Unlimited for a loan today, no matter your credit score!

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